An astonishing growth that continues

From Facebook alone in 2015, we have gone to a constellation of social media players with LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Messenger, Pinterest, Snapchat or even TikTok in 2021.
This intense duplication of applications has brought its share of difficulties. What type of format should I choose? On which target? On which platforms? With what content?
After our specific training, your Talent will be able to answer all these questions!

With more than 8 years of experience in the field of social networks, D-Asset offers a thorough training of the platforms to your future Talent.
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok or Twitter will no longer hold any secrets for him/her at the end of the training where he/she will be trained and coached by our specialist.
Your Talent will be able to draw up a communication strategy from A to Z, execute it well, optimise it and analyse it.
Benefits of internalising your Social Media management
Cost reduction
With more than 30 years of combined experience in digital marketing, D-Asset helps companies to internalise different areas of expertise. Social Media, SEA/SEO, Display/Video, Web Analytics, Web Redaction, Digital Marketing,...
Optimised staffing, concrete training, coaching and Follow up of your talent by a senior specialist... Seize all the opportunities offered by digital media with D-Asset!
Rue des Pêcheries, 78/9
1160 Auderghem